Counselling Services Counselling & Supervision in Harrow and Stanmore


A gentle and powerful practice

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Start your day with Focusing 

17th March 9.30-10 am

Info & Booking 


About Focusing. WebsiteFSquotes

Sometimes we have a vague feeling of 'something'. However, it is so unclear and elusive that we let it go. Focusing is a process of staying with this bodily felt-sense.

As we pay attention to hazy sensations they become more clear and substantial, revealing meanings that can be new and surprising. We can gain fresh insights, increasing self-awareness. Focusing is accepting and respectful of everything that emerges. This enables us to work safely with difficult emotions.


People often tell me about their experiences of Focusing and what they have gained. As a Focuser myself I find that this practice helps in many ways. Here are some benefits that stand out for me.

* A deeper sense of connection and attunement with my body

* Greater acceptance and appreciation of my body

* A way of being with physical pain that can really make a difference

* Better equipped to take care of physical and emotional health

* With Focusing I am more self-aware and this helps me both personally and professionally

* Through Focusing I discover more about myself, I know myself at greater depth

* Greater self-awareness allows me to be more open and genuinely myself in relationships

* Over time Focusing has given me a greater sense of my own solidness and resilience

* Focusing skills help me to calm down and manage anxiety, stress and overwhelm

* Decision making has become easier, with Focusing I discover what really matters to me

* When I sense in freshly and let go of assumptions, new and refreshing possibilities are revealed

* Through Focusing I have become more self-accepting and compassionate

* I find myself naturally extending Focusing qualities such as empathy and compassion to others

* Focusing brings healing as I hear, acknowledge and accept all my feelings and emotions


Guided Focusing Sessions

During sessions you can work with a particular issue, or you can use the time to get an overall sense of how you are. Focusing includes paying attention to bodily feelings and emotions and accepting everything that you become aware of. Even an inner voice that is telling you off can be welcomed and heard. You might find that in a friendly and warm atmosphere, some of your difficult feelings become easier. There can be new insights, fresh perspectives and healing.

When we are ready to begin I will invite you to make yourself comfortable and to close your eyes. Many people find that with closed eyes there are fewer distractions and it is easier to be inwardly aware. Others prefer to have their eyes open and that is fine too. I will guide you through the session, so there is nothing that you need to know or remember. At the same time we will go at your pace and if there is something that you want or need, please feel free to let me know.

Guided Focusing sessions are supportive of you and your Focusing process, with a friendly and accepting attitude towards you and your material.They are a good way of starting out as a Focuser and getting a feel of what it is all about. Experienced Focusers can work at depth with many areas and issues.


Supporting Mentor

Supporting trainee Focusing teachers

Learning to teach Focusing can be both exciting and challenging. As second mentor I am here to support you. This includes encouraging you to deepen your awareness of personal strengths, and to develop your own ways of teaching. I have experience of including Focusing in counselling and supervision work. My interests include trauma, physical pain and neurodiversity. This could be relevant to your own interests and to your project.

You are welcome to use sessions in ways that are helpful for you. For example Focusing, discussion and clarifying areas that you are unsure about.


About Me

I am a Certified Focusing Practitioner, registered with the British Focusing Association. I teach Focusing to groups and provide guided Focusing sessions.I bring Focusing into my counselling and supervision work when this is requested and helpful. The trainings that I offer are the BFA Focusing Skills Certificate and the BFA Focusing Practitioner Professional Training.

I am also a BFA Mentor. As such I have substantial experience of teaching Focusing to individuals and groups.


Booking Sessions 

You are most welcome to Contact me to ask any questions and to book a session.

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